NFT AMM Protocol

GiroSwap's NFT decentralized exchange adopts a gas-saving Automated Market Maker (AMM) protocol, which uses customizable bonding curves to facilitate NFT-to-token swaps. GiroSwap supports NFTs, as well as Sui's native tokens and all tokens bridged to the Sui ecosystem. Liquidity Providers (LPs) can deposit assets into single-sided or double-sided trading pools to buy and sell NFTs, and they can choose the bid-ask spread to receive transaction fees. GiroSwap does not differentiate between different NFT IDs, meaning each NFT in the liquidity pool is bound to the current price coefficient. Users willing to buy or sell NFTs will receive the same price from the NFT pool upon trading, regardless of whether the NFT ID is rare or not.

  • Provide liquidity for your favorite NFTs without permission

  • One-click purchase for bulk buying

  • List NFTs at the current market price

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